Sunday, April 23, 2006

*shagged but excited*
went out with bestie dahlia.
at TM, i saw it. black and gold. very sexy. *shivers* it was da Le Coq Sportif bag i've been dreamin n dreamin to get. it was on display. just for me. whakaka. i'll getcha baybeh. (eh? how much arh?)
after that, we got caramel frap. from starbucks. nice.
after that, dahlia's parents took us to mustafa centre. we goofed around in her dad's car. did what girls LURVVE to do. what they call it- cam-whoring..issit? whadever.
nothing interesting at mus. ctr.
after that, went home. in her dad's car, again, cam-whored(or whatever its supposed to be). whakaka.
thanks for sending me home, cik.
its english paper on monday.
hell, i didnt know about it until like 10:05 pm just now. tsk.tsk.tsk. ape nk jadik??
some fotos we took. da rest...blame it on singnet.
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something to say--> i need my pills. badly.

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