Sunday, April 02, 2006

*dreamy and sleepy*
everything was so heaven. attended a wedding dinner at carlton hotel.
forget about preparations- super-duper gabra.
back to da dinner...da food was yum-yum...i just LURRVE da atmosphere...BUT. at one point i got kinda irritated tat we have to keep rising from our seats- in da midst of our meal. urgh!
HER dress made me go green-eyed. SHE looks so dead gorgeous. Ohh...i feel like getting married now.
mariah carey-hero was played. i was eating. my stomach churned. memories flashed. missed gary so much.
i stole roses.whekeke...not me actually. asked my sis to be da stealer. *evil grin*
by da time da chicken came(which was da second last plate)...i thought da strings at da back of my dress snapped. i was so full.
nice evening....

yea...afternoon. we rehearsed for international friendship day dance at 842B? C? i dunno..some dome tat was near this two blocks....very tiring. hips sway + butt jutt + rolling eyes = dripping sweat.
i still cannot master da bali dance. what da hell. will get private tuition from shahirah tomoro.

something to say--> love brings you down. really. (err, unless you're in dat courtship period la.)

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