Sunday, December 17, 2006

holiday, holiday..

Holiday, Holiday.

Da other time i came back from Batam and now this time, I just returned from Benut. (For those of you who don't know, Benut's in Malaysia. So it's not far lah actually. Haha.) Wahhh...Happy only...Holiday, Holiday. But it was only 3 days back in kampung. Cannot too long also, if not become "Minah Benut". Haha. I've got pictures as well. As always. =p
On our way to Benut. Nuttin to do in da car.
Upon reaching, food fiesta for me n farah.
At night, they went to hunt for chickies. In da dark.
Younger sis and her toothless grin. No "mouth-open" is a betta term.
Woahh. I bedek only. Posing2. Feeling2. Fizah, fizah.
Outside da house. Gonna rain soon. Nice weather then.
I know. Seems like i was shitting or something right? Haha. Was just sitting by da wobbly bridge looking at da parit. (river, eh?)
My cousins kept a HUUUUGEE cactus plant in front of their home. It's really nice with da white flowers and all. It's huge to me because in singapore we only see mini2small2 ones in lil pots. And da cactus at their home is as tall as i am! HOOO!
We sat here to chill during da second day stay. Ate pisang goreng and other2 things. Nice wo! *Pssst! Adam species flock here in da day with their kakis and just slack bacin. Da ladies who work here wear those sorts. You get what i mean.*
Bad luck befall us when we were about to leave. Da car went into mud patch. When ayah tried to reverse, da whole car was "decorated" with mud. Best!!!! Right.
Poor Uncle Ucop needs to clean da car after it came out of da mud patch. If he was not home, i think i'd still be there and have this Minah Benut label. Haiyo.
Now FINALLY on our way back. Me. I also want to take picture mahh. (Tho not nice.)
Something to say--> Any more holidays?

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